How to Take A Sample AKA How to Match Paint

Ever needed to know what color is on your walls but no longer have the can and have no idea what it is?

You can take a sample to get matched at your local paint store using the directions below.

Disclaimer: If you are hoping this method will allow you to do “touchup” spots on your walls, it is very unlikely that you will be able to successfully do that as the sheen may be different than the product last used (yes, even if it’s egg-shell vs. egg-shell as every company and product can have slightly different sheens under the same definition). This method should get you a close enough match that you can do the whole wall (Corner to Corner) without being able to tell the difference with the wall next to it. Of course make sure your match is correct at the paint store as well before leaving. Ask them to show you the match on the sample to gauge it’s accuracy. Look at it from different angles in different lighting to be sure.

Happy painting!

How to Match Paint by Taking A Sample

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